5 Step To Get Rid Of Muffin Top Without Exercise
The muffin top on the hips and belly often refuse to leave even with a strict diet and exercise. Often when people have lost weight they hit this plateau, there is usually a lot more visceral fat hidden deep inside.
Visceral fat hides around your liver and kidneys, intestines and reproductive system. Visceral fat clings to your organs. It can add centimetres to your waist and hips even after you lose most of the excess weight and muffin top.
There are thousands of exercise programs on the Internet claiming to get rid of muffin tops. Human biology shows that fat oxidation (fat burn) by the body is unrelated to the particular muscles being worked. Fat is taken from throughout the body and used through a complex process to provide energy. No matter how hard you do these exercises the muffin top will remain but you can get rid of the muffin top without exercise.
The truth is you are exercising particular muscles. You are not exercising the fat that surrounds them. You are hardly affecting that fat at all. You can spend doing an hour of muffin top exercises in the gym and use less than half a fee grams of fat. That fat is from the whole body fat store, not just from around your hips. You can't spot reduce fat. No matter how much the muscles ache, a minor amount of the energy burned comes from the fat surrounding them.
Exercises both lying or standing have zero effect on muffin tops. Standing muffin top melters such as side bends with dumbbells, and twists with a pole on your shoulders may cause you to quickly feel a burn in those muscles. They burn insignificant amounts of fat from that area.
These exercises can actually make muffin tops look even bigger. Over time the exercises develop the targeted muscles but most of the overlying fat remains, while the muscles grow bigger. The obliques, those two muscular bulges at the sides that work to twist the body, get larger and make the muffin top look even bigger.
Neither particular exercises nor starvation diets work. Exercises increase muffin tops and starvation strips off your subcutaneous fat (the fat that you can pinch) before touching visceral fat.
Together with decent proteins every day, and a full complement of micronutrients these strategies have helped many people lose fat in a healthy way including those in the modeling industry.
Step 1. A high-quality undenatured shake and a micronutrient supplement.
Lose Your Muffin Top Through Thermogenesis. The creation of heat. When you are not exercising, the body creates heat through activating a mechanism called brown-adipose-tissue (BAT). Activating BAT permits production of heat directly from body fat without going through the energy cycle or being burned in muscular activity. You can lose body fat without moving a muscle, even while you sleep.
If you go on sudden food restriction and force yourself to exercise excessively, the body automatically turns down heat production and drastically reduces energy production as a defense mechanism to conserve fat. That's why strict dieters generally feel cold and exhausted, and tend to stop exercising after a while.
There are four steps to activate thermogenesis to burn fat. You need to follow all of them carefully to succeed. Make them a habit along with a high-quality un-denatured shake and micronutrients, and your muffin top will slowly disappear.
Step 2: Melatonin
Melatonin is the hormone that turns on in the brain for your sleep cycle. Melatonin is essential to convert white body fat to BAT and heat.
After about age 20, melatonin declines in the human body. By age 40, it has declined by half. You can get some melatonin from food but unless you eat a lot of them, it is insufficient to activate much BAT.
The alternative is to supplement with melatonin. But most melatonin pills do not work. About 90 percent are deactivated by digestive acids in the gut. A liquid melatonin spray spray is much better. It's quickly absorbed so that it can more easily pass through the blood-brain barrier into the brain.
For stubborn fat loss take liquid melatonin right before bed every night and held in the mouth for 30 seconds.
Step 3: Sleep
Inadequate sleep disrupts BAT activity. So you have to get sufficient sleep (about 7 to 8 hours). Sleep in a dark room in a room at a cool temperature, which encourages heat production.
Step 4: Shot of Natural Energy for Morning Thermogenesis
To continue the thermogenesis and fat loss after you wake up in the morning, take a strong cup of coffee on an empty stomach. A high quality natural energy drink with botanicals from green tea and yerba mate may be even more effective.
Do some light exercise for just 5 to 15 minutes to raise your metabolic rate when you wake up. Walking the dog, push-ups, lunges and crunches will work. Do only what you know you can do again tomorrow because missing a day puts you two days behind. Make this routine a habit and thermogenesis can continue for up to four hours afterwards.
Each day you get a new 24-hour cycle of growth and development that controls all the function and growth of your body. Whatever you do during each cycle will reflect in your growth that night.
The botanicals in a high quality natural energy drink and in green tea, make it likely more effective than coffee. A reduced calorie diet, botanicals plus green tea extract will result in visceral fat from around the organs. Loss of visceral fat can help reduce the appearance of muffin top.
Step 5. Omega-3 for All-Day Thermogenesis
The body has to produce uncoupling proteins to turn on. These uncouple the use of some of our oxygen from our energy molecule. The oxygen can then go direct to production of heat by mixing with and burning the BAT you have activated. But whenever its visceral fat that is under threat, the body turns uncoupling proteins way down.
High levels of the long-chain omega-3 fats EPA and DHA, from marine sources strongly turn up the uncoupling proteins again. A high quality omega supplement should start low and slow. Spread out use with each meal during the day to aid digestion.
Summary Steps to Really Melt the Muffin:
A high-quality undenatured shake and a micronutrient supplement.Melatonin spray every night.Sleep in a cool, dark, and quiet room 7 to 8 hours every night.Use natural energy drink which has green tea each morning.Get enough Omega-3EPA plus DHA (8 grams) spread throughout the day.
Use these fat-loss strategies at your own choice and risk. Given the right information your body has ample power to make it fit and healthy.
For more information on 5 Steps to rid muffin top without exercise, http://freedomthruhealth.toolsrock.com/weightloss2index.html?id=84
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